Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A busy weekend!

Paul came down to lend us his mad handy-man skillz. Together he and Rich re-plumbed our walls for a new utility sink, and to move our washing machine. They drank a lot of beer and went to Home Depot three times a day :)

On Saturday night we had a fancy-pants company party. We clean up pretty good!


Liz said...

Wow! You look gorgeous! Rich looks nice in his suit, to.

Michelle Therese said...

Sheesh - haven't seen Paul's mug in a while. Is that "Fish Worship" I'm reading on his shirt? Fabulous!!

Isn't plumbing marvellous?! I'm still revelling in being able to flush (two!) toilets. Only problem is...we rarely have heat or hot water all winter long and that makes for some chilly bathing.

You'll have to post photeys of your mud sink!!!! We have an olympic-sized big white por-cell-in (can't spell...) one in our mud room and it's poifect for washing veg from the garden and stinky husbands in from the barn.

Isn't it awesome having a house?!?!?!?!? I'm still coming to terms with it! You said yours was x amount of square feet...I wonder what ours is. I'll have to calculate...14.5 x 30 = 420 square feet. AND IT'S ALL OURS! No landlords. No neighbors banging on the walls! Just me, my husband and the filthy dogs and cats. (Living on a farm = filth haha!)

I do hope you keep posting about your adventures as you and Rich get settled! **HUGS** time for my morning java: "Pumpkin Spice." I order it from Mystic Monk Coffee of course hahahaha!