Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Has Sprung!

Yes, that's right, in March! Anchorage really is balmy!

Here are my tulips peeking their slender green heads out - I'm so proud they came back after I completely dug them up, redressed the soil, added bonemeal and then put them all back afterwards! Some were buried too deep under straw...they are a weird yellow color and I hope I didn't smother them on accident. We'll see I guess!

And of course I'm thinking about starting some of my vege seeds, top on my list are the tomatoes, and the watermelon. Many of the others will have to wait until we make the raised beds and mix up some growable dirt!

And I couldn't resist the packages of flower seeds too - I have a thing for blue flowers this year! I also hope the sweet peas will grow around our front porch and smell as good as the magazine said they will.


Michelle Therese said...

Oooooo! I can't WAIT to see how your garden grows!! Our daffodils are out and the tulips are just peeking up like yours. My dream garden is still non-existant but that's because I'm still learning and planning and saving up to buy a poly tunnel. I just bought two great organic gardening encyclopedieas. (or how ever you spell that...) Good things come to those who wait... Meanwhile Erlend is great at growing what I call the "major" veg: broccoli, turnips, potatoes, beets, etc. I help him as best I can with my ankle. In our walled garden I'm going to make raised beds to help me be more mobile!!

I'm so glad you always post such lovely photos! Our digital camera has bit the dust arrrg!

Have a lovely day!!!!!!

Michelle Therese said...


How am I supposed to spy on your life if you don't keep your blog updated?!

Though I know exactly what it means to be BUSY.

How's it going, BTW?? I'm so excited for you! Know that you're in my prayers and thoughts!!!!!!