Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Groom Gets Ready

Richard's brother arrived early in the morning to help Rich shower and get dressed (remember that Rich had a broken foot from the bachelor party). Richard had a rough time getting ready, with pain from his foot and nasuea from his pain medication - but he made it and we didn't have to say our vows in the emergency room!

Jason wheeling Rich out of urgent care...this is before Shannon found out!

The Oelkers side of the family getting the slide show ready. So how many Oelkers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Rich getting emotional previewing the slideshow.

Rich and his band of merry men. He had to keep the foot up to prevent swelling, which made the pain better.

Richard had two best men, his best friend Casey and his brother.

He's ready!

Oh wait, he needs more 'up time' on the foot...

...and some down time!

What's Jared doing?


Richard wore a black tux and silver accesories. Everyone else got royal blue.

Caden, our very silly ring bearer.

What are we doing? You OK Rich?

From left, Brandon Uzzell, Scott Nelson, Casey Cook, Richard Oelkers, Richard's mysterious brother, Caden Davis (shorty), Jared Hazelaar, Jason Davis, and Paul Delys.

1 comment:

Michelle Therese said...

I finally figured out (duh!!) how to find your blog: buy uh...clicking on your name. Ok then! (Don't ask - not enough coffee I suppose hehehe!) Do you have any wedding photos of YOU??? Where's the bride????